Monday, September 12, 2011

Review : Torchwood : Miracle Day

One day and no one dies. and the next , and the next and the next.Thats the premise of the new season of Torchwood , the Doctor Who spin off. Torchwood , in it's 4th season , is an organization that tracks down the alien and supernatural. torchwood is now disbanded. the leader Captain Jack Harkness has fled somewhere , the other teammate , Gwen Cooper , is living with her husband Rhys and their daughter , off of the coast of England trying to leave torchwod behind. We meet a man who is about to be executed for the assault and murder of a young girl by lethal injection and a CIA agent , Rex Matheson , driving at night talking on the cell phone , in the pouring rain. Rex is chatting with his co worker , Ester Drummond and the name torchwood keeps popping up. no one has heard of it. while Rex id driving , a truck stops short and metal rods fly into Rex's windshield stabbing him in the heart. neither one dies due to the miracle. the hospitals dont know what to do . no one knows whats going on or why its going on. Gwen gets some news that her father had a heart attack and rushes to see him. then Ester goes looking to see what torchwood is and runs into or jumps out of a four story building with jack who has planted the name torchwood into the database which gets Rex out of a bed at the hospital still hurting , to fly from D.C. to london to find out if torchwood is behind this or not. i'm just giving you a taste. there is a lot that goes on. there is a doctor that is a love interest for Rex. we find out , again , about Jacks Past . We meet a PR. rep. that helps out the convict cause hes a good story. the tension and love between between Jack and Gwen in episode 7 was one for the ages. is the season perfect. no. but as a whole it was a lot of fun. and i highly recommend it when it hits netflix or DVD .

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