Friday, August 20, 2010

revisionist history

Last weekend , at a Star Wars convention , George Lucas came out and said that all six Star Wars films are going to be released on blu-ray HD disc. According to some reports and youtube video , fans were thrilled. then he showed what was going to be on the disc. the fans cheered again. then he told us what wasn't going to be on blu-ray. 4,5, and 6 from 77 ,80 and 83 versions that we grew and fell in love with , will not be on blu-ray. why? it would cost too much to restore them.then came the hate , the sadness , the sorrow. not from me but from stupid people. i don't know what else to call them. Lucas decided to make HIS movie the way HE envisioned it. in the mid 90's he took his first three films and restored them. while he was restoring them , he decided to make changes to certain parts of the films so when all six were completed ,no holes in the plot. then Lucas didn't release the first three til the winter of 04 on DVD six months before revenge of the sith came out. then it happened again. he messed with it again. he took out Sebastian Shaw who played Anakin in return of the Jedi and replaced him with Hayden Christensen at the end of Jedi , when Luke see the ghosts of his father , obi wan , and Yoda. some fan were oh how dare he why would he do this , blah blah blah.

i don't have a problem with people complaining when something is wrong. but in this case their wrong to complain. if he just restored a new hope , empire and Jedi , without adding this or that , then the first three would look totally out of place. and with Jedi , you can clearly see he felt anakin died as a Jedi when he became Vader. that's why he put the younger one there. and i love when people complain that Lucas sold out. he didn't sell out. he made a movie. he made six movies. and he was smart enough at the time to keep the rights to his keep the merchandise rights. now i do have a problem with the new stuff and i agree with some that when Han shoots first , he shoots first. cause it looks odd now. he moves his head and greedo shoots first.that is something to complain about. with me my complaint would be the jaba. not that its a bad job , but that it doesn't add to the story. i remember seeing the original scene and it never worked.glad it was cut. but that's my only complaint. and just because you love a movie , doesn't mean YOU own it. he has every right to do what he want with his movie , and you have every right not to watch it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I know what i know

I don't claim to know everything. I have rules and rule #1 is i know what i know. simple. I hate it when "experts" claim to know this and that and you look at them or their work and go "what the..."?. So i like going to these dvd sites online one i like going to is on the site it lists when a movie will hit blu-ray and they also have reviews. i like reading the reviews but yesterday one caught my eye. a reviewer wrote about a movie that came out in 97 and he was saying pretty much that for a film that came out in 97 , it sounded really good and i have read other reviews where they say the same thing. it bothered me. the movie was released in digital sound in 97 as any movie is released today is. sure in the last 13 years they have tweaked sound here and there but its still the same. so there is a forum on the site where you can comment on the film its self. usually it's people saying either man i love this movie or the movie stinks I'm not buying it. well i put you shouldn't say for a film that came out in 97 it sures sounds great cause you sound kinda like an idiot. didn't say he was one just said he kinda sounds like one. then i got people hating me on there. one explained to me how sound has developed since then , that its not as gimmicky. then he called me an idiot cause i didn't know what i was talking about and how dare i say something like that after only having posted 20 times. so i posted whens a good time?21 ,35 ,234? how many? I'm like whatever. so i got a message saying that i cant call someone an idiot. which i didnt , i said he sounded like an idiot. so i wont post there again. i wasn't trying to offend the guy that wrote the column but these people claim to be experts , act like one.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hello , am i on?

Ok , this is my first time doing this. feels weird. or odd. how bout oddly weird.?
Anyway this is my first post and I'm lost. the mind is empty. well let me start off by telling a little bit about myself. I'm a loser and that's fine. we are all losers in one form or another. some of us are followers. Followers are losers cause they can't feel comfortable doing things on their own. people on t.v. are losers. their on the tube cause they want attention and praise. a good living is nice but really , they want praise. I'm a loser cause i could do so much more with what i have and i don't. but I'm happy with what I'm doing and you at this point would be saying "what are you doing"?. well i take care of my father i wait on him , help him with showers , that kind of thing. but i could be doing more with my life but i know that if i go and get a job , i don't want to take care of my father and i know that my family would want me to do both and i don't want to do both. one or the other. I'm not feeling sorry for my self , just telling the situation i am in. I'm not being stopped by anyone , i am a free person , can do what i want. i just don't know what that is.